About us
We share a deep faith in the therapeutic process and an insatiable curiosity about the ways we and our clients experience the world.
Our Mission:
To empower independent psychotherapy professionals to build their own practices by providing them with the space, tools and support they need to effectively help others change their lives.

At Alliance we value:
Our therapies are grounded in contemporary neuroscience and psychodynamic thinking. We engage in lifelong learning to ensure we are effectively addressing the needs of our clients.
We believe relationships are central to the development of the self, and that the therapeutic alliance is the most important tool we have for facilitating growth and change.
We own what we bring to our relationships and commit to providing and receiving feedback about ourselves from our clients and our practice community.
We believe psychotherapy needs to be demystified in order to improve access. We work to ensure our practice is welcoming to a diverse clientele.
What our affiliates are saying:

"Our core values – quality, relationships, self-reflection, and service – form the foundation of this community, a secure base from which affiliate clinicians and their patients can explore, develop, and thrive."
–Kristen & Elizabeth, Founders
Interested in working together?
If you align with our values and approach and would like to talk more about working with us, let us know how we can help you reach your goals.